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2011: UNESCO’s declaration of the Mujib Nature Reserve as Jordan’s second ‘Man and Biosphere Reserve’, after the Dana Biosphere Reserve.
2011: The formal declaration by the Government of Fifa and Qatar nature reserves as protected areas of national importance. RSCN is currently developing infrastructure management programmes for these two reserves.
2011: Won the FORD AWARD grant and the first-ever “The People’s Choice Award 2011" for the efforts of Integrating biodiversity concepts into national curricula and capacity building for teachers”.
2011: Developed the First Communication Strategy at the protected areas’ level for Mujib Biosphere Reserve.
2012: Achieved the UNESCO AWARD for a published report of good practices within the good practice's publication “Education for Sustainable Development, Good Practices in Addressing Biodiversity”, for RSCN’s efforts of integrating environmental concepts into the national curricula.
2012: Developed the First Social Media program for Environmental Education for the first time targeting school students, and held the First Environmental Education Conference.
2012: Developed the first social marketing programs in the protected areas to improve Littering Behavior in public parks.
2013: Developed a pioneering partnership with the Arab Bank to cover many initiatives where the most important was building the community capacity at Mujib Biosphere Reserve in Faqou village.
2013: Received Ford Award for environmental projects in 2013 in recognition of its role in the establishment of a program about Falcon's display for visitors at Shaumari Wildlife reserve.
2013: The BirdLife International Global Council has awarded RSCN for its leadership in the management of protected areas and the integration of socio-economic development with nature protection programs on the global level.
2014: Recorded new fish species “Garra jordanica” as new to science, and a new species of plant at Dana Biosphere Reserve added to the list of plant species in Jordan.
2014: Published the first issue of the Jordan Journal of Natural History at a special launch ceremony, which was attended by a group of university professors and researchers from inside and outside Jordan. Copies of the first issue were distributed at various educational institutions such as universities and educational organizations specialized in biodiversity.
2014: Won the “Sustainable Destinations Global 100 World Legacy” in 2014, as a reward for RSCN outstanding role in the development of Eco-Tourism program in Dana Biosphere Reserve.
2014: Won the award of the “Trip Advisor for Excellence” for both Feynan Eco Lodge and the Guest House in Dana Biosphere Reserve.
2015: Developed the first Nature Knights Program concept and framework, as well as the development of the whole programs and curricula for Azraq Wetland Reserve and Dana Biosphere Reserve.
2015: Developed the First Environmental Education Interactive Game Application for Smart Phones about Azraq Wetland Reserve and water problem.
2015: Developed the First Environmental kids play area in Wild Jordan Center.
2015: HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II visited Mujib Biosphere Reserve.
2015: HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II inaugurated the Royal Academy for Nature Conservation as the first education center in the Middle East specialized in nature conservation and biodiversity programs.
2016: In cooperation with Saudi Aramco, RSCN has established the first reserve outside the borders of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which is Shaybah Wildlife Sanctuary in Al Rub’ al-Khali, Saudi Arabia.
2017: The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, has declared recently that Fifa Nature Reserve’s is the lowest point standing at 420 metres below sea level, the Ramsar convention described its newest addition as the world’s lowest wetland of international importance. This is the second addition of RSCN within the Ramsar Convention.
2017: Inaugurating a number of sites that were developed and sponsored by the Royal Hashemite Court, such as the expansion of Dana Biosphere Reserve’s Guesthouse, Mujib Adventure Center, and Hada'at Dibeen Park, aiming at increasing the number of visitors and improving the quality of the services.
2018: HRH Crown Prince Hussein, inaugurated the visitors center at Shaumari Wildlife Reserve, which is considered home for rare and endangered animals' species in the Middle East.
2018: RSCN record the Guinness World Records title for the Largest candle mosaic, with an area of 112.04 square m, 11440 candles were used to create the Earth hour 60+ logo.
2018: Establish two nature reserves in the eastern desert region, so that the percentage of declared protected areas will be 5% of area of Jordan. They are called: Burqu and Dahek.
2018: Azraq Wetland and Ajloun Forest Reserves are listed on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas as the best-managed protected areas in the world.
2018: Ajloun Forest Reserve won one of the 100 best sustainable sites in the world.
2019: Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah visited the Royal Academy for the Conservation of Nature and hosted the women of Ajloun for a Ramadan Iftar for more than 140 women.
2020: Her Majesty Queen Rania visited Ajloun Forest Reserve upon reviving the tourism sector post covid-19 pandemic to encourage visitors to enjoy the beauty of the nature reserves.
2020: The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature won the Renewables Grid Initiative Environmental Protection: "Good Practice of the Year"2020 Award for “mainstreaming soaring birds’ conservation into the energy sector in Jordan.
2022: Azraq Wetland Reserve’s Good Practice Story has been selected as part of the Green Destinations Top 100 Stories List